


Study Internationally

IDP Education is a world leader in international student placement services. With a network of over 100 international student placement centres, they have a global presence in more than 32 countries.

IDP Education is a world leader in international student placement services. With a network of over ...Read more

Earn at every milestone

To provide IDP the users who are looking for graduation or post graduation in the UK

  • Features:

✔️ A global leader in international education services
✔️ Australian Securities Exchange listed company
✔️ 120+offices in over 30 countries
✔️ Partner to over 700 leading education institutions
✔️ 900 + expert education counsellors
✔️ One student placed every 14 minutes
✔️ Placed students into more than 500,000 courses

Tracks In

30 Days

Confirms In

39 Days
  • About the Brand:

IDP is a leader in global education services. As an Australian listed company, we have operations in 57 countries and our websites attract 100 million visits a year. We specialise in combining human expertise with our leading digital platform to help people get accepted into their ideal course, take an English language test or learn English in our schools.

  • Target Audience:

✔️ Age group: 18+ years
✔️ Locality: PAN INDIA

  • Step-by-Step Process:

✔️ Suggest 'IDP' to everyone in your network ( Friends/Customers)
✔️ Click on the 'Share' button below and you will get Image + Text or Only Text only to share, select the desired option. 
✔️ You can share the offer link to all Social media apps and other sharing apps available in your device, with interested users.
✔️ These users need to click on the link and apply for gradulation or post graduation in foreign country.
✔️ You will be paid when the user has successfully applied through your link.

  • Rules to Follow:

✔️ Available for all Users. 
✔️ Users has to click on your link and apply for gradulation or post graduation in foreign country.
✔️ If the user cancels the application, you will not be eligible for the payout.

  • Referral Income Sharing Structure:


Referral Income%


40% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income

  • When you refer Avasar Club to A, then A becomes your Level 1 (L1).  
    Now when A shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or A completes the offer himself, you will get 40% of Total Referral Income (L1). 
  • Similarly, if A refers Avasar Club to B, then B becomes your Level 2 (L2).  
    Now when B shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or B completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L2).  
  • And finally, if B refers Avasar Club to C, then C becomes your Level 3 (L3).  
    Now when C shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or C completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L3). 
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