


Shop From Exclusive Range Watches

Up to 60% OFF, WELCOME TO TITAN10% OFF On first purchase. Coupon Code:NEW10

Up to 60% OFF, WELCOME TO TITAN10% OFF On first purchase. Coupon Code:NEW10

Earn at every milestone

  • ⁠Features:

✔️ Innovation
✔️ Accessibility
✔️ Value for Money
✔️ Style and Elegance
✔️ Warranty and Service
✔️ Diverse Product Range
✔️ Quality and Craftsmanship

Tracks In

30 Days

Confirms In

90 Days

About the Brand:

Titan Company Ltd is the organization that brought about a paradigm shift in the Indian watch market when it introduced its futuristic quartz technology, complemented by international styling. Over the years, TITAN has been tremendously successful in making online shopping much convenient and enjoyable with wide product range starting from watches, wall clocks to wallets, belts and straps. With a user-friendly shopping experience, TITAN aims to fulfil your wishes and deliver your products in fastest time possible. Experience the best in class online shopping with services such as Cash on Delivery, free shipping and seamless return/exchange policies.

  • Target Audience:

✔️ Age group: 21+ years
✔️ Locality: PAN INDIA

  • Step-by-Step Process:

✔️ Suggest 'Titan' to everyone in your network ( Friends/Customers)
✔️ Click on the 'Share' button below and you will get Image + Text or Only Text only to share, select the desired option. 
✔️ You can share the offer link to all Social media apps and other sharing apps available in your device, with interested users.
✔️ These users need to click on the link, signup and Shop for the products.
✔️ You will be paid when your Customer has successfully purchased the product through your Link.

  • Rules to Follow:

✔️ Available for only new Users. 
✔️ Users has to click on your link.
✔️ If the user cancels the purchase, you will not be eligible for the payout.

  • Referral Income Sharing Structure:


Referral Income%


40% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income

  • When you refer Avasar Club to A, then A becomes your Level 1 (L1).  
    Now when A shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or A completes the offer himself, you will get 40% of Total Referral Income (L1). 
  • Similarly, if A refers Avasar Club to B, then B becomes your Level 2 (L2).  
    Now when B shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or B completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L2).  
  • And finally, if B refers Avasar Club to C, then C becomes your Level 3 (L3).  
    Now when C shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or C completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L3). 
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