

Tide Business India
Tide Business India

Get Tide Cashback Card Now T+1

Use code: WORK123 while registering on Tide. Simplify Business with the Tide Expense Card : Tide Expense Card will let cardholders make payments at all RuPay accepting merchants. Lock, unlock and block the card on-the-go with the Tide App. Load money into your account using net banking and UPI. Accept money hassle-free using QR code (coming soon). Get real-time notifications for better expen...Read more

Use code: WORK123 while registering on Tide. Simplify Business with the Tide Expense Card : Ti...Read more


Add a potential customer & earn extra commission upon your customers conversion.

Earn at every milestone

➜ Download the Tide app and use the referral code "WORK123". ➜ Complete the Video KYC process in Tide App.

➜ After completing the Video KYC, add INR 50 to your account on the Same Day.

  • Steps 
  1. Download the app. Enter the referral code WORK123 in the Sign-Up Screen
    (Note: This is mandatory to track your progress.)
  2. After registering, fill in all the necessary details to create their profile.
  3. Complete Video KYC.
  4. If verified, open the App and you will get the option to Add Money. Add Rs.50 to the account on same day.
  5. The Tide card will be delivered to your address in 10 days with INR 10 loaded on it, and you can use it to make purchases anywhere, including withdrawing cash from an ATM.
  • Features:

✔️ Milestone 1: Spend Rs 5000, & Get Rs 200 Cashback.
✔️ Milestone 2: Spend Rs 20,000, & Get Rs 700 Cashback.
✔️ Milestone 3: Spend Rs 50,000, & Get Rs 1700 Cashback.
✔️ Milestone 4: Spend Rs 1,00,000, & Get Rs 3500 Cashback.
✔️ Milestone 5: Spend Rs 2,00,000, & Get Rs 7000 Cashback.
✔️ Top Spender of the Month Wins iPhone 15 Pro Max.
✔️ Free, Fast, Safe
✔️ No Monthly Fees!
✔️ Super Flexible Free expense card.

Tracks In

30 Days

Confirms In

30 Days
  • About the Brand:

Tide is a business financial platform. It offers a platform approach that we believe is the future of business and admin needs, allowing us to offer both financial and admin services to SMEs saving them time (and money) through Tide Services and Tide Business Account.

  • Target Audience:

✔️ Age group: 21 years - 45years
✔️ Locality: Pan India

  • Step-by-Step Process:

✔️ Registered users on Avasar can receive reward benefits.
✔️ Recommend 'Tide Business India' to everyone in your network (friends/customers) who are registered on the Avasar App.
✔️ Click the 'Share' button below to get Image + Text or Text-only options to share. Select your preferred option.
✔️ Share the offer link via any social media app.
✔️ Click on the shared link and download the app. Use the code WORK123 to get Cashback from Avasar.
      * Note: If you do not use this code, you will not be eligible for any payout.
✔️ After registering, users need to fill in all the necessary details to create their profile.
✔️ Complete Video KYC.
✔️ Fund the account with Rs.50, which can be used to make purchases once the card is delivered to your address.
✔️ You will receive payment once you have successfully received the expense card.

  • Rules to Follow:

✔️ Available for Users who are registered on Avasar App.
✔️ Users have to click on the link and download the app. Use the code "WORK123" to get Cashback from Avasar.
✔️ If the user fails to use the code, you will not be eligible for the payout.

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