


Libas - Chic Ethnic Wear Awaits!

Libas is an Indian fashion brand known for its modern take on ethnic wear for women. It offers a wide range of stylish, contemporary Indian clothing, including kurtas, suits, sarees, and more, blending traditional Indian craftsmanship with contemporary designs. Libas uses high-quality fabrics and intricate detailing, making its products both fashionable and comfortable. With a strong focus on affo...Read more

Libas is an Indian fashion brand known for its modern take on ethnic wear for women. It offers a wid...Read more

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  • Features:

✔️ Womens Ethnic Store
✔️ Prioritize comfort
✔️ New selection every fifteen days
✔️ Embroidery, Gota Patti, Khari Print, Ajrakh, Schiffli

Tracks In

45 Days

Confirms In

60 Days

About the Brand:

Libas a women ethnic store was founded in 1985,  Stepping out in ethnic wear from Libas sets a new bar for fashion lovers. Each ethnic piece has been designed to prioritize comfort without compromising on style. They launch a new selection every fifteen days to keep you up to date with the latest and fashionable ethnic styles. The popular collections include Leher, Saanjh, Bahaar, Ajrakh, Rooh, Nazm, Nazaaqat, Gul, The Indigo Story, and Noor. Each collection features beautiful details like embroidery, Gota Patti, Khari Print, Ajrakh, Schiffli, and many more fascinating embellishments.

  • Target Audience:

✔️ Age group: 18+ years
✔️ Locality: PAN INDIA

  • Step by Step Process:

✔️ Suggest 'Libas' products to everyone in your network ( Friends/Customers)
✔️ Click on the 'Share' button below and share the link with interested users.
✔️ These users need to click on the link, signup and purchase products from Libas.
✔️ You will be paid when your Customer has successfully purchased the product.

  • Rules to Follow:

✔️ Available for All Users. 
✔️ Users has to click on your Share link and do purchase.
✔️ If the user cancels the purchase, you will not be eligible for the payout.

  • Referral Income Sharing Structure:


Referral Income%


40% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income

  • When you refer Avasar Club to A, then A becomes your Level 1 (L1).
    Now when A shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or A completes the offer himself, you will get 40% of Total Referral Income (L1).
  • Similarly, if A refers Avasar Club to B, then B becomes your Level 2 (L2).
    Now when B shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or B completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L2).
  • And finally, if B refers Avasar Club to C, then C becomes your Level 3 (L3).
    Now when C shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or C completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L3).
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