


Bestselling Wellness Products

HealthKart was established in March 2011. This company started with a few employees but transitioned into a full-fledged online platform within just a few years. By 2019, HealthKart introduced the certified, well-known Indian and international brands to its platform, and that is increasing in number each passing year. Today HealthKart has become the best in its game because of: ✔️ Great onli...Read more

HealthKart was established in March 2011. This company started with a few employees but transitioned...Read more

Earn at every milestone

You need to make a purchase on the HealthKart website and Earn Rewards.

  • Features:

✔️ Best Wellness Essentials
✔️ Best Fitness Essentials
✔️ Get Blockbuster Deals
✔️ Extra 10% Off on Healthcare products
✔️ Exclusive deals on Protein

Tracks In

7 Days

Confirms In

67 Days

About the Brand:

Healthkart sells consumables that one needs. In such cases, the authenticity of the product matters, half the supplement market is flooded with fakes pumped with steroids and that's where healthkart provides authentic products, 100% genuine.

  • Target Audience:

✔️ Age group: 18+ Years 
✔️ Locality: PAN INDIA 

  • Step-by-Step Process:

✔️ Suggest 'HealthKart' to everyone in your network (friends/customers). 
✔️ Click the 'Share' button below, and you'll get options to share 'Image + Text' or ‘Text only’, Select the desired option. 
✔️ Share the offer link on all social media apps and other sharing apps available on your device with interested users. 
✔️ These users need to click on the link, and register. 
✔️ You will be paid when the user successfully purchases any product through your link.

  • Rules to Follow:

✔️ Available for all Users.   
✔️ Users have to click on your link, register.

  • Referral Income Sharing Structure:


Referral Income%


40% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income


30% of Referral Income

  • When you refer Avasar Club to A, then A becomes your Level 1 (L1).  
    Now when A shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or A completes the offer himself, you will get 40% of Total Referral Income (L1). 
  • Similarly, if A refers Avasar Club to B, then B becomes your Level 2 (L2).  
    Now when B shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or B completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L2).  
  • And finally, if B refers Avasar Club to C, then C becomes your Level 3 (L3).  
    Now when C shares this offer and gets this offer completed from someone or C completes the offer himself, you will get 30% of Total Referral Income (L3). 
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